French Quarter Phantoms

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Shop Small and Local

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Shop Small and Local

Stay Home, Stay Safe, Shop Small and Local

You know how much the team here at French Quarter Phantoms loves New Orleans! We also love our community and want it to stay safe during this period of time. We want you to come through this time of struggle and make a date to come join us on a tour after the 1st of May. In the meantime, let's all stay home and stay safe.

Continue to Shop Local

Now that we are all doing the bulk of our shopping online, it's easier than ever to support the amazing small businesses here in New Orleans or in your neck of the woods. Small businesses are facing a tough challenge, one that we know we'll all get through, and it's up to us to help. Do what you can to help support these shops and restaurants, as small businesses are truly the heart of their communities!

And don't forget, many spots in NOLA remain open for take out. If you're feeling hungry and you're not feeling like cooking, give your local favorite a call and order in!

Wherever you are, now is a great time to show your community your support. Order online and help these businesses make it through. In doing so you will help ensure that we still have a vibrant and dynamic community to enjoy after the stay at home measures are lifted.

French Quarter Phantoms loves New Orleans, and we know that you do too! Let's all spread that love to as many small businesses, restaurants, and shops as we can. Remember, we're all in this together!